Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Reflection on writing the research paper

  Having a research paper taught me how to argue better on a paper with the help of argument it became much better. Getting different perspectives helped me to broaden my mind.
  My searching skills also improved through out this search. I mainly focused how to quote and how to make citation.
  Before writing the main paper, I only had an idea about what I was going to be writing and I did not have conclusive argument. At the stage of searching I was able to develop my topic. I may not get good point out of my research paper but it will show up to me what I learnt...
  My course forced me to do more research and made me focused on searching part because in order to gain knowledge we need to search and it helped me to apply the thing I was researching. With this way I was able to understand more about the topic for which I was chosen.

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